At-home schedule for kids

At-home schedule for kids

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By Babysits
4 min read

Are you aware of the importance of a daily routine? In general, it maintains both physical and mental health. If you're struggling with your tasks or are worried you will forget important details, start by mapping out a daily schedule for the family following our guidelines.

Babysits has created a daily routine schedule for your family to follow. Keep your family on track with this handy plan. It includes time where your children should be focused on schoolwork, being creative, having rest time and even time for them to play freely.

Here is an infographic to help with your kids daily schedule:

Kids at home schedule

How to organize your families at-home schedule

It’s important to keep a routine throughout the day, as kids need to stay mentally and physically fit. We have created this schedule to help you keep your kids stay on track, but also including time to play and have fun! By following our tips, staying at home can be productive and joyful at the same time. Your kids will never be bored!


  • Wake up! It's time to get out of bed and start a new day! It's highly recommend to wake up early in the morning also during the weekend. By doing so, you can take your time to do your tasks and not become rushed. Since it's the weekend you can maybe sleep half an hour more!

  • The importance of breakfast! Keep regular meal times as consistent as possible. To begin your day successfully, you can bake these cute pancakes that will raise your kid’s mood!

  • School time! Motivate your kid to learn new things, because the more you do, the more your child will become curious and passionate. During the weekend, maybe you can use these hours to do some homework or different educational activities, such as DIYs or recipes.

  • Between one exercise and another, take a break and eat a snack! A strawberry and Yoghurt parfait can be the perfect dessert easy-to-make and to reward the kids for all their hard work!

  • Lunch time! Take this break to spend quality time with all the family. We do not recommend watching the news since it is often negative, instead watch a movie or just have a nice chat.


  • Don’t forget to do the house chores. Kids are at home, not on vacation! Ask them to help you after lunch, washing the dishes or cleaning the table. You can also make a fun activity that involves recycling: ask your kids to separate all the garbage (food, plastic, paper, etc.) And give them a sweet as a reward!

  • Do some activities that keep them busy. Before giving them the freedom to play around the house and do whatever they want, give them some ideas to entertain themselves, especially if you’re working from home and you need silence. Maybe it would be easier to let them watch the television, but instead give them some fun suggestions: from reading an illustrated book to crafting with scissors and colored paper. If your kid is too young, you can print these coloring pages!

  • Free play time! Give your children time to play freely, this can be playing with toys or watching their favorite cartoon! If you have a garden, take advantage of it and get outside!


  • Prepare for bath time in order to provide a relaxing experience for your child. Remember to warm the water and add some toys to play with it (especially for the little ones!)

  • It’s dinner time! Maybe you can cook the meal together. You can repeat the same routine as lunch.

  • Bed time: put the children to bed early. They need to get some sleep after a busy day, even if it was spent at home. Put the phone away and read a story and finally wish sweet dreams to your lovely kids!

A good rule of thumb is to try and do at least one thing that helps your mental and physical health every day. It’s also good for moms and dads to practice this as we adapt to our new daily routines.

You can also check out our tips for a more effecting home-based learning schedule for kids doing online classes at home!

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